
Magnify Him With Thanksgiving

With the national holiday of Thanksgiving coming up it seems timely to look at some biblical examples and instructions about giving thanks.

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What Does the Bible Say About Depression?

Depressed? Us? Surely not. We’re Christians, and such people don’t suffer depression. The truth is, depression impacts most people, including true Christians. What does the Bible have to say on this sensitive subject? And what may we do to escape “the blues” when they...

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The world in many ways tells us to mismanage our lives and our finances. Everything belongs to God therefore He cares about our stewardship.

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Righteous Judgment

With university groups and members of the US Congress cheering the horrific atrocities of the Hamas terrorists, it seems wise judgment is sorely missing. What does God have to say about righteous judgment and how can we exhibit more of it?

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Feast Reflections

We have just finished the cycle again of God's annual festivals with wonderful messages about what God has in store for our future. What did you learn? What will you take away from the Feast this year? When you think back on this year’s Feast, what reflection,...

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The Gates of Hades

We have long understood that Jesus’ statement about the gates of Hades meant that the Church would never die out completely. But is there more involved in what He said? And why did He take His disciples 20 miles away to Caesarea Philippi? To understand, we need to look more...

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The Foundation of Atonement

An examination of the foundational principles of atonement and reconciliation of mankind to God both individually and collectively as pictured by the Day of Atonement.

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Compassion: A Vital Key to our Kingdom Walk

God is Compassionate, Jesus Christ is compassionate, we must be compassionate.

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Parallel of Cooper's Color Code for Situational Awareness with our Readiness and Spiritual Situational Awareness in personal preparation for the fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets with the return to Earth by Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the saints.

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The Transfiguration Foreshadowed Trumpets

Jesus' promise to return In John 14 was reassuring.But there was ANOTHER powerful event that preceded it and that’s what I want to look at today—the Transfiguration. As we go through this event, we’ll look at how it focuses on the meaning of the...

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