
What God Has Prepared

Why should a person want to be in God's family and live forever? Will we get bored? What will it be like to be an eternal member of God's family? What has God prepared for those who love Him?

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The God Who Sees

While trials and test can be difficult what happens to us is something beautiful. God being the master potter.

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What Would Building the Temple Mean to You?

“What would building the Holy Temple mean to you?” This question was recently asked of a variety of people walking along the streets of Israel, bringing to light an ambitious project being planned. How might we associate this project with end-time events, and what should we do with...

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Embrace the Struggle

Life is not always easy. Things that are worthwhile, such as being the God's family, require a lot of effort. Embrace that struggle.

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Well Done Good and Faithful Servant

What can we learn from this high praise we want to hear from God that can help us be there to receive it? What should we do now to be the good and faithful servants God wants?

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Be of Good Courage

As He was about to be killed Jesus told the disciples to ‘be of good cheer’. What, exactly, does that mean and how could He ask that of them at such a troubling time? How can He ask that of US in turbulent times? What is required and...

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Judge Righteous Judgment

Have you ever been misjudged--and had your reputation damaged? How can you regain it? A classic example of misjudgment can be found in Israel's history. It was a costly mistake. But we can learn valuable lessons about godly relationships from it.

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Who Is Melchizedek and Why Does it Matter?

On the surface, it seems that scripture provides very little information about a mysterious figure known as Melchizedek. A deeper look proves otherwise. Who was this individual and why does it matter to New Testament Christians?

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The Sanctity of Life

What do we as Christians need to know about the overturn of Roe v. Wade? How does it stack up with God’s revealed mind on this topic? How does it fit with the concept of seeking the Kingdom and God’s righteousness?

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Anger-Hallmark of the 21st Century

Our nation today seems bent on anger. Everyone is angry and anyone else that doesn't agree with them.

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