
Do You See Your Calling?

In this sermon we will review that God is not calling everyone to salvation at this time but only a few. What have we been called to do and what does God expect of those now called?

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Hunger and Thirst For Righteousness

We are told in Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for Righteousness. In this sermon we will look at what this means and how we can cultivate and nurture this vital attitude.

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Looking for Small Blessings

Encouragement to look for the small blessings from God that show God's special tenderness and love toward us in small ways in our everyday lives

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The Church Jesus Founded

Pentecost pictures the founding of the Church Jesus said He would build and that would never die out. We obviously want to be part of the Church Jesus founded. Since He warned us there would be MANY religious scammers, what do we look for in trying to find the right...

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Remember Lot’s Wife

Christ admonished His disciples about their readiness for His return. He used the admonition, "Remember Lot's Wife". This message gives an in-depth view of Lot's family and destruction of Sodom, and what we can learn from Mrs. Lot's actions.

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Benefits of the Holy Spirit

Jesus told His disciples the Holy Spirit was with them and would be in them. What is this spirit? What does it do? How do we know we have it? What are the benefits of having it in us?

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How the Holy Spirit Can Keep You from Being an Old Wineskin

Jesus talked about how new wine poured into old, dry wineskins will break the wineskin. God's Spirit is needed to keep us from being old wineskins.

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Examination of Jesus Christ's direction for us to abide

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Unleavened Bread in the New Testament

The thrust and meaning of Passover changed with Christ's institution of the NT symbols. What about Unleavened Bread? How is it different in the NT? Jesus didn't give any different practices for it, but is the symbolism different in the NT?

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We Must Put Sin Out

In this sermon we will look at what God says about putting sin out of our lives. We will look at an example of Israel and what we can learn from the example.

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