
The Crisis

A huge crisis came upon Jerusalem, the city of David, in the year 701 BC. God worked one of the greatest miracles recorded in the Bible, and Jerusalem, its king, and its people, were saved. What lessons may we draw from the Sennacherib crisis, and what parallels are there for our...

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The Hope of the Resurrection

The promise of the first resurrection is a great blessing that brings Christians peace in the face of the death of a loved one.

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Righteous Government at Last!

The seventh trump announces Jesus Christ taking over rulership of all the governments of the world. What will His government look like--compared to the governments of mankind?

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Are We Listening?

Just hearing or listening. Listening to God's Word, God's Servants. Hearers of the Word? Focus, focus, focus.

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The Promise of His Coming

How much, and what, did Israel understand about the meaning of the holy days and festivals? One thing is certain, the core prophecy and promise of the Messiah's coming has been known, understood and anticipated by God's people throughout the ages.

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Why Fast?

God tells us to "afflict ourselves" or fast on Atonement. What's so special about fasting? What should we learn from it, when done correctly?

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To the Kingdom!

Ideas about the Kingdom of God vary widely, yet it was a crucial part of Jesus' message. How do we know our understanding of it is correct and what does it mean to seek if first?

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Sex and the Sabbath

The Sabbath is Holy so what can we do? This sermon examines seven epoch events that have shaped the way we observe the Sabbath day.

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To Family and Friends

Reflections on our spiritual family and friends.

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Joy and Happiness

Joy and happiness.

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