
Two Trees Plus One

God has much to say to us about bearing fruit, His mercy, patience and judgment. Let’s look at the lessons for us taught through the two trees.

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Two Qualities of a Godly Servant

As we examine ourselves in the weeks leading up to Passover, let's consider two important qualities of a godly servant.

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Jesus Christ Was Fully God and Fully Human

Understanding and believing that Jesus truly died is central to our faith. Many other truths are inextricably linked to this one. It is inspiring and encouraging, especially in the Passover season.

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Every Wind of Doctrine

Is it more important what you believe or how you live your life? What is the importance of our beliefs? How we answer these questions is important for each of us. Is it good enough to be a good person? (MP4-Quarterly Administration Sermon)

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Sighing & Crying: Thy Kingdom Come

What's the appropriate response to society's wicked culture of sin? To answer this question, let's explore Ezekiel chapter 9 accompanied by two individuals in the New Testament.

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Why Give to God?

We read VERY early in human history about humans offering some of their possessions as a gift to God who in reality needs NOTHING from us. And the first time we read about someone being RICH, in very short order we read about him tithing to God. What all does...

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Rest in Peace

Matt. 11:28-30 says our rest, our peace lies in our connection to Jesus Christ. The burdens we carry in our daily lives are shouldered by Jesus. Our ultimate rest in the Kingdom of God awaits us, Heb. 4.

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The Heart of a Godly Leader

Jesus said if we want to be great we should serve. But is that all there is to it—just serve, serve, serve and everything will be fine? Is it just a “skill set” or is there more to the Bible’s instruction about godly leadership?...

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Unity in Marriage

When marriage began, we're told a man should leave, cleave and become "one" with his wife. Was that man's or God's instruction? What are some of the things that are associated with these instructions? What can we do to BUILD on them in marriage—if we...

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In the Image of God

In Genesis 1 we are told God made humans in His own image and likeness. That flies in the face of evolution--the accepted origin of human existence in our schools and universities. We may already believe in creation, but what does being in God's image and likeness really mean--and what...

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