
The Importance of Pentecost

It seems rather appropriate that we should be restarting services of the Church after a three month drought of in-person services on the weekend of the Feast that pictures the start of the Church. I’m sure we will hear more about specific details and implications of Pentecost tomorrow...

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From the Upper Room to Corinth and Beyond

Things can change rather quickly. How did the Church go from the unity in the upper room before Pentecost to the divisions in Corinth in a few decades? We must be sure we stay faithful to the truth to the end.

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Who Is the Beast?

Who—or what—is the Beast that comes out of the sea in Revelation 13? Who—or what—is this second Beast that is pictured coming from the earth? Later in this chapter we’re told there is a "mark" of this Beast that is required...

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Jesus admonished His followers to watch. Let’s learn why He said this and what we are to watch for.

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Sowing Seeds Leading to Everlasting Life

Galatians chapter 6 references spiritual seeds that lead to everlasting life. What are those seeds? When and where are we expected to sow them?

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What I’ve Learned About Prophecy

With the COVID-19 pandemic and people’s increased interest in it, this seems like a perfect time to talk about prophecy. Some scholars estimate about 1/3 of the Bible is prophecy. What’s so important about prophecy? What purposes does it serve and who is it for—believers,...

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Life Is in the Blood

Review of how God looks at blood and the significance to Christians.

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Conquering Jericho

Today let’s recount the story of Israel’s entry into the Promised Land by conquering Jericho and see if we can draw some lessons from their story that we can use in our Christian journey to the Kingdom of God.

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Humility Leads to Mercy & Courage

This is a very different Passover season for us, but the message is the same. Today I’d like to explore some examples of Christ’s humility with you and see how humility fits in with Passover and the blessings it brings us.

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A Door Grace Opens

We can be grateful for our relationship with God through the grace He offers.

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