
How Important Is Atonement?

Atonement is the Precursor for Setting up the Kingdom of God. Removal of Sin Through Reconciliation with Jesus Christ. Banishment of Satan. A New High Priest -- Jesus Christ.

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Atonement and Revelation 20

Today let’s walk through how we KNOW that what Paul was explaining in 2Cor is what the Day of Atonement is about. We’ll also look at WHY we see Rev 20:1-3 as depicting literal events that relate to the Feast called “Atonement” and not...

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Trumpets-Greatest Turning Point in Human History

The Feast of Trumpets pictures events that will make all other 'turning points in history' pale into insignificance. It's the time God Himself intervenes directly and visibly in human affairs.

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What Solomon Forgot About Being Happy

For all his God-given wisdom, Solomon missed some very important principles.

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The Mark of the Beast

What is the mark of the Beast? Where will it come from? And what will be its impact on the people of God? This sermon examines these questions.

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This Is Not Your Father’s Feast

What will this Feast be like?  There are still some unanswered questions but it definitely won't be like the Feasts of recent years.

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Justice, Judgment and Mercy

How do these three fit together-justice, judgment and mercy?

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The Work of Jesus Christ and the Saints

Isaiah chapter 61 contains the Work of Jesus Christ; what He has done and what He will do when He returns. As we lead up to the fall festivals, let's consider the work that will be done after He returns and what role the saints will play in that work.

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The Three Requests of Moses

We can learn a lot about leadership by analyzing three simple requests one of Israel's greatest leaders, Moses, made of God. These three requests still remain as things we also should be asking God for on a regular basis.

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Ninth Commandment-Honest to the Core

Some believe the 9th commandment only prohibits perjury--or lying about a "brother". Let’s explore the 9th commandment today and see if the Bible will shed some light on these items. Is the command only about legal settings or about legal settings that involve someone of your same faith?...

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