
A New Creation

During the week of the crucifixion and the resurrection, Peter learned some hard but important truths. We should also.

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These Things

An exploration of the concluding verse in John 16 about "these things" of which Jesus Christ spoke the night of the New Testament Passover

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Examining Ourselves

What do we examine for in pre-Passover examination? Since the word carries an expectation that we’ll find something, what is it exactly that we’re looking to find? In the passage in 2Cor 13 Paul references Christ being in us—but what specifically does that look like?

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The Quality of Mercy

Mercy, as one of the "weightier matters of the law," deserves a lot of weighty thought very often. As we near the Passover, however, it is an appropriate time to deeply consider exactly what mercy is, how it works, how God sees it, and how we can learn to apply...

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When Is Passover?

If Passover is on the 14th, why the big controversy over the timing of Passover? Many of us may just look at the calendar produced by the Church and leave it at that. One can do that, but there are some legitimate questions that arise, so let’s explore...

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The Sin That Is Not Forgiven

Committing sin brings the death penalty. One must repent of his or her sin to receive the gift of eternal life. If sin remains, it is not forgiven. If it is not forgiven, then the death penalty is incurred. It is God’s desire to forgive us of our...

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If Any of You Lacks Wisdom

All of us find times when we wish we had more wisdom. But Scripture tells us there is more than one kind of wisdom. How do we go about avoiding the wrong wisdom and growing in godly wisdom?

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An examination of hypocrisy by looking at events in the life of Joseph and his family.

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The Fervant Prayer: Praying With Intensity

God promises to listen to fervant prayers. We have plenty to be fervant about these days!

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The Household of God

What does this phrase Paul used, “the household of God” in Eph 2:19 mean to you? It had a very powerful impact on the mixed congregation there in Ephesus. What can we learn and use TODAY from the timeless wisdom God shared through the pen of the Apostle Paul...

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