
The Genuineness of Our Faith

Peter talks about the importance of the "genunineness of our faith". What does that look like in real life? Can there be faith that is not 'genuine' or fully mature as God wants and do we see biblical examples of these types of faith?

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Where Is the Church?

How do you know where the CHurch is? People have their opinions, but what does the Word of God tell us about the Church, what it should look like, and where it is?

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The Spirit of Truth

Through a series of questions, a review of the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Truth, the effect of the Spirit of Truth on our worship of God, and what the Spirit produces in our lives.

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Men: What Are They Good For?

We celebrate Father's Day as a nation, but some are saying fathers are not valuable or needed. What does it take to be a good man, a good husband and a good father?

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Focus on the Kingdom

When times are tough we must keep our focus on the promised Kingdom of God.  

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Hold Fast Without Wavering

The greatest challenge facing the people of God in the end time will be one of faith. The Bible admonishes us to "hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering." This is found in Hebrews 10:23.

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Staying Warm in a World That’s Growing Cold

Scripture describes a coming time when, "the love of many will grow cold." Let's build a fire that will keep ourselves warm.

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What Is Justification?

The New Testament speaks of our justification. What is justification? How are we justified? Why is it such an important step in the process of salvation?

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You Believe What?

What we believe is important and we should be confident in our beliefs, especially when challenged. Our belief on judgment - the resurrections and the Great White Throne - separate us from most who profess Christianity. What do we believe about these important topics? (DVD)

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The Blessing of the Holy Spirit

A quick look at Acts 1 & 2 clearly shows that the HS is a very important component of the Feast of Pentecost. But just what’s the big deal about the Holy Spirit? What did Jesus emphasize about it and why is it important?

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