
The Lord’s Prayer-A Prayer of Faith

The Lord's model prayer emphasizes faith.

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The Four Horsemen vs the Return of Christ

As we approach the return of Jesus Christ, the four horsemen of Revelation are riding. Each brings its own contribution to end-time events. Consider the resulting consequences beyond the return of Christ, and how His return will impact the effects of those four horsemen.

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Trumpets and the Day of the Lord

The Day of the Lord—God’s time of large-scale intervention in human affairs—is exactly what this Feast of Trumpets pictures. So what IS this “Day of the Lord?” Let’s refresh our memory of what the Bible says about this time in...

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Coping Spiritually With Stress

Since we live in a stressful world--and it's only going to get worse--Christians must be equipped spiritually to effectively deal with this type of pressure. God's word holds many examples, good and bad, of how people have coped, plus He offers excellent advice and principles for us to...

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Pleasing God

A recent Christian survey said there is great confusion among young poeple about how to please God. What would knowing how to please God be confusing? After all, don't we just have to obey Him, and that will please Him? If it's more involved than that--what IS involved,...

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Our Daily Bread

Christ's instructions to His disciples was to pray, "give us this day our daily bread". There is more to this admonition that praying over a meal. God desires His people to learn to look to Him for all of our provisions each and every day.

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Why Saturday?

7th say Sabbath observance is a very bais fundamental part of our belief and worship system. In fact, we continue to orent our life--and our week around the Sabbath. We work for 6 days and rest, as well as gather to worship God, on the 7th. Why Saturday? Today let's...

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Malachi’s Message for Us

Malachi was the last of the prophets of the Old Testament, and his message looked toward the future and teh New Testament age. What does this book teach us? There is a lot here for us to consider in these New Testament times prior to the great and dreadful Day...

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An examination of the fruit of the Holy Spirit of gentleness by looking at biblical examples of the gentleness of God.

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You Are the Miracle-What Are you Waiting For?

God has created us and all creation in a miraculous way.

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