
The Assembling of Ourselves

In an age where, research shows, people are becoming increasingly isolated, the directive in Hebrews 10:25 to not forsake “the assembling of ourselves together” becomes more important than ever. This message examines in depth why this verse, and those surrounding, carries such weighty meaning.

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Life’s BIG Questions

In Psalm 8 David asked, “What is man that you are mindful of him?” In essence he’s asking why does God bother with us, what does He want from us or from us. At times it’s good to step back from life and look at...

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Every Idle Word

Mat 12 is a very powerful focus on the importance of our words. Jesus speaks about us being accountable even for every idle word we speak. Today I want to explore more of what God says about our speech. How does God’s instruction impact our everyday life?

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Sojourning and Dwelling Eternally with God

Digging into Psalm 15 and what it means in our relationship with God, and others.

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Prayer, Faith and the Will of God

Faith challenged, intense communal prayer, seeking God's will as opposed to our own, miracles can happen.

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A Peak Into the Unseen

It’s almost impossible to miss that this is the time of year when people celebrate Halloween—an event that focuses on the unseen spirit world. What’s the truth about the unseen realm? Does God’s Word give us a glimpse into what our eyes...

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Render Unto God the Things That Are God’s

People not in the Church often wonder how members can take trips every fall--sometimes to other countries--to observe the Feast of Tabernacles. The simple answer is tithing. This sermon reviews the biblical teaching on tithing and Christ's sanctions of it in the New Testament.

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Do You Love the Truth?

The very concept of truth is under attack today. Distrust is rising as a result. How does God view the truth? How should we?

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The Importance of Dependability

We read in 2 Thessalonians 3:3 that God is the epitome of dependability. He is not fickle and does not change. Why focus on this important characteristic on Family Day at the Feast? Because it’s also one of the primary characteristics parents want to see in their children. Why is...

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Atonement-Past, Present and Future

Exploration of the Day of Atonement in the past under the Old Covenant, the roles of Jesus Christ as our High Priest, Advocate, and Intercessor after His resurrection, and the future fulfillment of the Day of Atonement with the 1000-year banishment of Satan and his demons.

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