
Stir up Your Gift

God says the Holy Spirit gives various gifts for the benefit of the Church. Whatever yours are, stir them up!

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Godly Mothers

Family life for many in the US right now is chaotic, stressful and even damaging. Let’s look at some characteristics of a godly mother—one who fears the Lord—that can help build the kind of peaceful, happy family life we read of in Prov. 31.

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The Just Shall Live by Faith

An exploration of the subject of The Just Shall Live By Faith by looking at the characteristics in the lives of four individuals specifically mentioned in the Bible as being "just men."

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Godly Love

Jesus pointed to one identifier of true Christians on the night when He instituted the NT Passover symbols. We often read about this identifier as we observe the Passover each year—but I wonder if we really grasp the full significance of the statement and how much impact it...

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The Christian’s Values

What are the things of greatest value in your life?

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Those Dangerous Blind Spots

Being aware of our blind spots. Holding up the mirror of God's Word to our lives. Examples, David, Job, Paul. Ask God to show us our blind spots.

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Why Is Sin Such a Bad Thing?

As we focus on identifying and removing sin, let's consider some specific reasons why sin is bad for us.

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DUB: The Next Step

During UB we look for spiritual leaven and sometimes feel discouraged. What’s the next step? What do we do after the Feast? How do we make what we’ve learned STICK? Today I’d like us to focus on what God wants us to do AFTER...

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Our Response-Sermon

Passover shows God's plan of redemption from the penalty of sin. The Days of Unleavened Bread picture our response to God's actions. What will our response be?

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Christ’s Last Sayings

It's somewhat unusual when Passover falls on a weekly Sabbath. What does this timing have to do with Pentecost? And how can we know what Jesus was thinking about as His physical life was about to be snuffed out? Does that have any implications for our lives today?

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