
Doing What Pleases God

How can we show our thanks and appreciation to God? In this sermon we will look at how we can show our thanks to God by doing what is pleasing to Him.

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Jacob’s Trouble

Jacob's trouble is coming. What is it, and what should we be doing?

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How Does Your Light Shine?

Israel was supposed to be a model nation the OT. They failed but will be a model nation in the Millennium after they are brought back and repent. We are to be a model people in the NT. What can we learn from Israel to help make sure WE don'...

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Making Good Decisions

Making the Big Decisions. How do we approach decision making? Decisions have consequences. God is there to help!

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Music in the Church

In this sermon we discuss what is appropriate for special music in our church services. We explain that there are guidelines and standards we follow in selecting pieces for special music.

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The Christian Patriot

We all tend to feel some loyalty to our nation of birth and residence. As Christians, though, we are called to a higher loyalty--to be patriots to the Kingdom of God, reserved for us in heaven.

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I Think, Therefore…

We think all the time, and that's precisely what gets us into so much trouble. Let's think about thinking, and what God teaches us about redirecting our minds.

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Blessed Are Your Eyes

Jesus told the disciples their eyes were blessed to be able to grasp the truth He was teaching. Do we truly appreciate the value of our calling as the tiny firstfruits of God's harvest of humans into His family? Do we understand the magnitude of the good we will...

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The Eye of the Needle


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Steps to Growth

In this sermon we will look at the steps Peter gives in II Peter 1:5-8 to make our calling and election sure.

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