
Trumpets-Can You Imagine?

In 1 Corinthians Paul said God has revealed to the saint what He has in store for us, but also said we see through a glass darkly--just the rough outline. Can we use our imagination to consider how it will all happen and what we'll experience?

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The Sabbath: A Day of Worship

The Sabbath is a very important day. It is holy time and a day to worship and honor God the Father. (MP4)

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The Sabbath: A Day of Worship

The Sabbath is a very important day.  It is holy time and a day to worship and honor God the Father.

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Scattered Brethren-Blessed are Those Persecuted for Righteousness Sake

Report on recent summer trip to Africa and India. Some of our brethren right now are facing persecution. How will we handle it when it comes to us?

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You Are the Salt of the Earth

Christ told His disciples they are the salt of the earth. His analogy goes much deeper than we may think. What salt and true Christians have in common?

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God commands us to rejoice, not just at the Feast of Tabernacles, but every day. But what is rejoicing? And how can we rejoice when life doesn't always go our way?

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The Crucial Nature of Integrity

Today we'll look at some examples and passages about integrity to see what lessons we can learn in applying it to our lives.

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Watch and Pray

When asked about the signs of his coming and the end of the age, Jesus gave some signs and then instructed his disciples to watch and pray so they would not be caught off guard and so that they would be ready. In this sermon we will look at what...

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The Importance of Unity

How important is unity in the Church? Is it "unity at all cost" or is there more to the subject?

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Contrasting the Godly fruit of the Spirit of gentleness with the unrestrained speech we see in the world.

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