
The Power of Example

Do you know the impact you have on others? For "good"...or "not so good"!? God's Word and human experience show us the powerful impact our actions can have on others.

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Human Minds and the Holy Spirit

Pentecost PM-What’s the connection between the Holy Spirit and the human heart? And more specifically, stemming from the result of the Holy Spirit moving Peter to preach a powerful and convicting sermon, what’s the connection between the Holy Spirit and a repentant heart? Or is there...

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Old Teastment Assembly-New Testament Church

Pentecost AM-The NT Church started on Pentecost. Is the NT Church simply a modification of the OT religion of God’s people, generally referred to these days as “Judaism”? How does the NT ministry in the NT Church compare to the Levites and priests of the OT?...

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The Temple of the Spirit

From the hymn on page 160 "We Are God's People," a look at the meaning of "we are a temple, the Spirit's dwelling place" prior to observing the Feast of Pentecost.

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What is Your Identity?

Every person who ever lived has their own unique identity. But what is our identity as the people of God? The meaning of Pentecost offers important insight to God's perspective.

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Sojourners Then and Now

God's called out ones are called to a different life. Look at scriptural examples of God's expectations of His called out sojourners.

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How Many Shiny Eyes Are Around Me?

We should use the Holy Spirit to inspire those around us.

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Why the Church?

We're not far from Pentecost, the day when the NT Church came into existence. What's the big deal about the Church? Why does it exist and what benefit is it?

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Who is Your Savior? And Why Does it Matter?

Many confess that Jesus is Lord; but the real meaning of this goes beyond lip-service, into faith and life. This message explores the meaning for us as members of the Church of God.

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Old Testament Examples

Examining the detailed accounts in the OT of the incidents mentioned in I Cor 10 as "examples for our admonition" gives us guidance on our spiritual walk.

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