
A “Can Do” Attitude

In the Bible we are told that we must overcome. In this sermon we will look at a attitude that is vital if we are to overcome.

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Daniel-Thriving in the Realm of the Beast

Daniel was uprooted from his home at an early age and thrown into "the belly of the Beast" at the capital of the first and second beast powers. Not only did he survive. He thrived. What can we learn from his example?

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The “Called-Out” Ones

Examination of the special nature of God's calling and the effect upon those whom He has called.

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Our Spiritual Race

Hebrews 12:1 talks about running our spiritual race with endurance. That implies a distance race.

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It’s Not “My” Kingdom Com

It's not just about my salvation. God's plan for the poor. Our worldview. Our Ghanaian brethren.

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Benefits of Intercessory Prayer

In John 13:34-35 Jesus said our love for each other would show we are His disciples. We'll explore just one aspect of how we show love for one another by looking at the benefits of intercessory prayer.

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The Missing Dimension in Holy Convocation

We all know that the Sabbath involves a holy convocation, but what exactly does that mean? What does in mean to "worship" God? Is this knowledge supposed to affect the choices I make? Is it necessary to make any special preparations to participate in a holy convocation?

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Small Articles of Faith

There are examples in the Bible of how God led His servants with small steps of faith. He often builds faith in us as well with small steps.

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The Blessing of Family

In Ecclesiastes 9:9 Solomon wrote that to enjoy life with the wife you love is your portion in life. Soncino Commentary on the Old Testament Scriptures says life is best enjoyed within a family circle. This message will explore the blessing of family from a biblical perspective.

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Be Thankful for God’s Blessings

As Christains called at this time, we have many blessings and benefits from God that are not available to most of the world. Do we take the time to thank God for them?

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