
Heed the Warning

Humans have a terrible track record of heeding warnings--from other humans and even from God. Peter wrote about scoffers. Could we be a scoffer--treating warnings with contempt, especially those from God?

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This is God’s World

When things look bleak, we need to step back and remember, this IS God's world, and He is in control.

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How do Christians Judge Righteous Judgment?

Keys to judging correctly.

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Zion: The City of God

What is Zion? What makes it so special to God that we could call it His “favorite city”? Why does it matter to us today—or SHOULD it matter to us? Let’s see if we can answer those questions today.

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The Ultimate Blessing

God's greatest blessing is our calling to be part of His family.

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Who do You Trust?

We hear competing stories in the different news channels all the time now. It is hard to know what source(s) to trust. Trust is important in friendships, employment and marriage, yet God warns us not to trust the human heart for guidance in life. Unlike humans, God is always...

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Are You Preparing for the Kingdom?

As the Feast of Tabernacles nears, we are excited and looking forward and preparing for it. Are we looking forward to and preparing for the Kingdom of God?

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Fear vs Faith

Example of Elijah 1 Kings 17, 18, 19. How God views our fears. Faith that God has our back.

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Lessons from a Failed King

Zedekiah was the last king of the nation of Judah, at the time of the Babylonian captivity, but he lacked the courage and godliness so sorely needed at a time of crisis. What lessons may we learn from king Zedekiah?

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Tithing: Honoring God With our Possessions

Review of the doctrine of tithing. God is clear about how to finance His work on earth and finance our attendance to His feasts.

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