
Worshipping God HIS Way

People often think they can finish someone else's sentences--even God's. But God has told us how He wants to be worshiped and we must follow His instructions--not make up our own.

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The Blessing of the Bible

We have received the Word of God as a gift, one for which many have risked their lives and even have been martyred over the centuries. Why should we study the Bible, and how should we study it?

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Will it Stick?

Our minds are good at focusing on certain things and ignoring or forgetting others. We just returned a few weeks ago from a powerful reminder of what God has in store when He finally intervenes in human affairs. What did you learn and will it stick--or will you quickly forget...

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What is Your Prism?

We all see things from different perspectives based on our experiences in life. That also impacts how we view things in the Bible. The challenge is to learn to look at things from God's perspective.

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Examination of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit of Faithfulness

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Why Will Satan be Removed?

The Day of Atonement pictures Satan being removed. What does the bible say about Satan? When we look to see what the bible says about Satan, it becomes clear why he must be removed.

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Estrangement to Reconciliation

The Day of Atonement pictures mankind being able to move from estrangement to reconciliation with God. We'll look at a couple of biblical examples of that progression and discuss God's plan for reconciliation with humans.

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Those Who Destroy the Earth

In describing the return of Christ, Revelation 11:18 says He will "destroy those who destroy the earth". Since we know God won't allow humans to destroy this planet or all human life on it, what does that phrase mean?

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The Feast of Trumpets and Firstfruits

Focus on one aspect of the fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets with the spiritual firstfruits being born into the family of God.

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Is Man an Animal?

A discussion of the spirit in man and the contrast between humans and animals, with an analogy of the difference between humans and God. It is by a union of the spirit in man and God's Holy Spirit that we become the begotten and ultimately born children of God.

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