
The Balance of Prophecy

People want to know about prophecy. But how does it fit into the balance of God's plan for mankind?

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Walking with God

Enoch and Noah walked with God. Could that be said of us? What's involved in walking with God?

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Partings in the Book of Acts

Examination of several Partings in the Book of Acts

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Vision: Seeing Clearly in a Clouded World

Spiritual vision is an incredible gift from God. What is it that other don't see, even if they read and/or study the Bible? What do we gain by seeing clearly and what are the benefits of accepting God's call to spiritual vision?

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The Older Christian

This message will be directed more to those with many decades of service and growth in the Church of God. We hear messages directed to member that are in the prime of their life and their conduct they are to be putting on. What about members who have been growing...

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Nature and Law, God and Us

The Bible often uses God's creation to teach us great lessons. Psalm 19 offers a remarkable analysis of nature and law and how it relates to God and our lives.

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Have no Doubt

The nature of doubt. How we deal with Doubt. Doubt and Pentecost. The Holy Spirit makes all the difference.

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Walk in the Spirit

What does that Spirit do for us? What did Jesus promise it would do? Why was HS not offered to all of Israel in the OT? And how can we TELL if that Spirit is active in our lives? (Pentecost AM).

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Effective Prayer

Are our prayers effective? in the bible we see Gods mind on the subject of prayer and how our prayers can be effective.

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Shepherd Leaders

Shepherd leaders.

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