
Fear: Friend or Foe?

Fear is a very common human emotion that is often exploited in politics. The Bible tells us to fear some things, including God, but not to fear what man can do to us. So is fear our friend or foe and how can we know the difference?

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The Gift of Forgiveness

We all received the gift of forgiveness we need to give that gift to others.

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Women’s Essential Role in God’s Plan

What is the role of women in God's plan? How far does their influence reach? The answers may be surprising.

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Man’s Amazing Destiny

One of the most daunting questions about life is "what is the purpose?" What does God say about the reason humans exist? How does that compare to what most cultures and other religions teach?

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Our Lord of Emotions

How do you perceive the Lord of the Old Testament? Angry, vengeful, cruel? What does the word of God reveal about the Lord of the Old Testament?

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The Kingdom Come

Are we praying for the Kingdom?

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The Determination Factor

Are we determined to carry on the spirit of UB in our day to day Christian Walk? Examples of outstanding determination. Noah, Caleb, Joshua, Mark 2:1-12, Paul.

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The Leaven of Pride

In Proverbs 6:16 pride is listed first among things that God hates. While He doesn't ever directly connect pride with leaven, it is clearly a good 'fit' since the Bible does equate pride with being puffed up. How do we combat this common human problem? What are some indicators and...

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Spiritual Waypoints

Analogy of our spiritual journey as Christians with the use of map and compass.

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Written for Our Admonition

1 Corinthians was written during the Passover/UB season. Chapter 10 leads up to the specifics about Passover in the next chapter and says what happened to ancient Israel is recorded for our admonition. What do we learn from the record of God revealing the feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread to...

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