
Peace Through Faithfulness

How can we have peace in today's world which is filled with conflict and division? Explore having the peace of God which passes understanding through faithfulness.

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Fasting-Petioning God Properly

Fasting is one of the ways we petition God for His help. He is compassionate and giving, but wants us to come in the right attitude. What can we learn from biblical examples and instructions about the right way to petition God through fasting?

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Preparing to Lead and Teach in the World Tomorrow

Interwoven theme: mastery demands preparation; diligent preparation is virtuous Main takeaways: 1. What excellence demands; what it takes to aim for perfection and achieve mastery 2. That we who are called as first-fruits have an undeniable responsibility to actively and intensely participate in our own development 3. One way we can apply these...

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Water-An Essential for Life

Water is crucial to life on this planet and is a symbol of the abundant life that will be available to people in the Millennium because God changes weather patterns and they learn to live God’s way of life. Let's look at some of the ways God...

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Spiritual Drift

Spiritual drift is the inherent tendency of human beings to depart over time from their original purposes and practices which result in a loss of vitality. With 6 generations in the church all programmed differently, how will we resist this spiritual drift in the end times.

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Promises Deferred

God's promises often deferred, requiring steadfast faith and patience.

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Appreciate Your Calling

The calling of God is a special blessing involving several important aspects. Do we really appreciate its value and do we regularly give God thanks for it?

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Blessings of Abraham

As we approach Thanksgiving, we should deeply consider where our blessings came from. We are the recipients of Abraham's blessings.

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Exploration of why to and how to encourage one another as brethren

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Preparing to Teach

Zech 8:20-23 shows Jews will be valued in the Millennium as sources of right knowledge of God. Isa 30:20-21 speaks of teachers walking behind humans to tell them the right way to go. How do these passages fit together and how do we prepare now for our role as teachers ...

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