
Foundations of Christian Belief

Some people say God's promises, His commandments, God's love, are the foundation of their beliefs. What did Jesus say is the foundation, and why did He say it?

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Combatting Unhealthy Worry

Unhealthy worry is a burden that many of God’s people carry. Is all worry bad? Is there good worry? What does bad worry do to us? What can we do about it? Today we will learn or review some very helpful information to help us—as God...

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Satan’s Devices

Examination of Satan's devices are in his spiritual warfare against Christians.

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Is God There?

On occasion it is good to discuss some very basic questions of life. Whether or not God exists is very fundamental and crucial to HOW we live. If He IS there, that has great consequences. If He is NOT there, that, too, would have great impact on our life.

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Brexit and the Beast Power

An overview of the Brexit, and how it effects us. How does this fit into prophecy and the beast power?

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How Solid is your Worldview?

In Isaiah 36 & 37, Sennacherib and Hezekiah displayed vastly different worldviews. One was proud and based on his own might and success; the other was humble and based on God and His faithfulness. Jesus said in Matthew 7:24, we must build on the Rock to withstand the storms of life.

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Self Discipline

Self discipline is vital to salvation. Practice and Habit are key. Self Control is a Gift of Holy Spirit. Paul -- running the race. Our Victory/Crown for completing the race. 

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A look at what the Bible says about worship and how we worship God in Spirit and in truth.

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The Puzzle of Jerusalem

Jerusalem--the "Holy City," the "City of Peace"--has seldom lived up to its name. Looking into the causes of its troubles, one sees that it is a microcosm of humanity itself. What does the future hold for Jerusalem, and all humanity? 

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Examination of three meanings of Abide and how they contribute to our being faithful to the end.

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