
Crossing the Line

As we examine ourselves prior to the Passover, we must apply Jesus' admonition to not "judge by outward appearance but by righteous judgment" to ourselves. Could we be guilty of crossing the line into sin sooner than we expected? What is the ultimate standard to use in judging ourselves?

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Symbolism of Unleavened Bread

The New Testament Passover includes the knowledge that the unleavened bread we eat in that service pictures the broken body of Christ. What other symbolism do we find in scripture about unleavened bread? 

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Keeping Your Cool In The Face Of Adversity

Who's In control? It's in God's hands.  

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The Blessing of Marriage

Marriage has been beat up in our society--losing much of it's honor and sanctity. The Bible shows it to be a God-plane relationship a blessing from God and one that continues to be a positive experience to those who are positive about and committed to their relationship.

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Passover the Beginning of Salvation

Passover is clearly the start of God's plan of salvation. Without Christ's shed blood no one could even start on the road to salvation. However, the Passover continues to be important all through our path to salvation--from start to finish.

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Hall of Faith

What can we learn about faith from Hebrews 11? One of the most difficult Scriptures in the Bible is Hebrews 11:1. It is also one of the most controversial. We can learn a great deal about faith by a study of Hebrews 11.

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Forgiveness the Bigger Story

Forgiveness is obviously very important to God. He has shown us how He has dealt with sin from the very beginning. Why did He do this?

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Merciful But Not Clearing the Guilty

God describes Himself in Gen 34:6-7 using this seemingly contradictory phrase. The spring feast teach us about mercy and forgiveness. Since all humans are guilty, what 'clears' a person and how can they know they have received God's mercy.

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Growing in Grace and Knowledge

The world thinks it knows what grace is, but what does the Bible teach? Grace is a common term in the Bible, but do we really understand it?

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Lessons from Prayers of Jesus

Prayer is a very important part of our Christian life. Jesus gave us a model prayer but also set us an example in His own prayers. Let's examine seven of those recorded prayers to see what can learn from them.

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