
The Heart of the Matter - Transformation

Pentecost is a unique Feast, picturing the gift of God's Spirit. Just 'receiving' the Holy Spirit is not enough according to Scripture and the example of King Saul. God expects us to USE that spirit to grow--to be transformed--in a process that lasts for the rest of our life

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The Favor of God

God's favor is an intregal part of our lives as Christians (including the gift of the Holy Spirit). God has favorites, and favors who he wills, based on his master plan. How can we gain God's favor? God's favor demonstrated throughout the Bible.

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Making a Difference

How can we make a difference in this evil world? We must get back to the basics: Seek God's Kingdom First; Preach the Gospel; and Live the Gospel

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The Battle for the Future

Adam failed to resist the serpent in the Garden of Eden, leading to suffering and death for all his descendants. 4000 years later One the Bible calls "the second Adam" faced Satan in a spiritual battle that would determine the eternal future of the human race. What exactly was the outcome...

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What is the price we should be willing to pay for unity in the Church? What part do you play in whether there is unity? We all have a part to play and we all bear some responsibility for unity.

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Mothers A Pillar of Family

Godly mothers play a very important role in the stability of a godly family. Fathers are another pillar and of course. God is the most important one. But, godly mothers are most often the ones involved in the hour-by-hour teaching and instruction to prepare children for life. They deserve our...

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Am I Worth Dying For

A poem carried by Eleanor Roosevelt in WWII inspired the question for the spring Holy Day season, "Am I Worth Dying For?" Science, evolution, and philosophy can give no reason for why we are worth dying for. Explore God's word to see what He says about the subject.

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The Sincere Christian

Sincerity & Truth. Battling hypocrisy and deceit. God demands a pure and sincere heart.

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Judgment A Key of Passover and Unleavened Bread

In Acts 24:24-27 Felix was frightened when hearing about a judgment to come. Passover and DUB remind us that God is Judge and we must examine ourselves. Here are four action steps to take this time of self-examination with us in the coming year.

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Will it be any Different

Focus on observation of the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread and the upcoming year with the questions: Will It Be Any Different? Will my self-examination and observation of the Spring Holy Days be any different this year? Examination of 2 types of growth and presentation of a cycle of growth...

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