
The Mystery of the Gospel

Knowledge of the Holy Days is essential to understanding the true, complete gospel message of Jesus Christ. Without the holydays, mankind has been ignorant of the purpose for which God created man.

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Preparing the Heart

Seeking God's guidance in our preparations for Passover invites Him to show us things about ourselves that He knows we need to see. Are we prepared for what we find? Scripture talks about those who successfully "prepared their hearts" to seek God, as well as some who did not....

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Lessons from New Testament Spring Feasts

The Bible records several Passover/DUB seasons in the Gospels and the book of Acts. What lessons can we learn from the biblical record of these feasts?

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Detect, Develop, Deploy

The Bible describes various gifts Christians are given through the Holy Spirit. We are expected to identify, develop and use those gifts for the benefit of the Church. This was discussed at this year's Young Adult Leadership Weekend along with the importance of doing this within the God-ordained structure...

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Why Examine Ourselves?

We are told to examine ourselves before Passover. How, for what purpose and what are we to learn and do in response?

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The Ripple Effect

As a Christian we make decisions daily. Those decisions affect our lives, as we know, but our decisions also affect others.

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The Truth About Grace

Grace is often misunderstood in modern Christianity. Because it is often over-blown in the religious world we are sometimes slow to use the term. What does grace mean, does it conflict with law, and if ntw, what is the truth about grace?

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Teach us to Number our Days

Moses asked God to teach the Israelites to "number their days." What did he mean? Can we truly number our days, and if so how would that help us?

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Where are we Now?

Jesus said a nation divided against itself cannot stand. Considering the recent changes in our country, where do we stand now in terms of Bible prophecy?

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A Wide-Angled View of the World

Why is the world the way it is? What would the world be like without sin? This sermon seeks to help young people (and others) think about God's plan from a wider perspective, starting in the Garden of Eden.

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