
Going Forward

When we look at Israel's example we see they would go backwards instead of going forward. What can hinder us from going forward and how can we continue to go forward to the KOG?

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A New Lump

Paul said we are to become "a new lump" in 1Cor 5:7. What did he mean by that and what does it entail? How do we know if we are a new lump?

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The Test

Trials, suffering, maintaining Faith when being tested. The question of "Why Me". Job's test -- Our tests, our view of God and his sovereignty.

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As He Who Serves

Jesus stated in Luke 22:24-27 that to be great one must become as he who serves. What's the big deal about service? Why would God be looking for people whose hearts are focused on serving? Let’s see if we can answer those questions today.

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But If Not

During the "miracle of Dunkirk" in 1940 a third of a million allied soldiers escaped almost certain destruction at the hands of German armies. A laconic statement from a British officer on the beach of Dunkirk, underscores lessons about the world to come, and about how we should live our lives...

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Positive Passover Preparation

What are we supposed to feel and think as we prepare for the spring feasts? Are we supposed to dredge up past guilt over mistakes? There are several passages that can give us some guidance.

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What Does God Want? Repentance

John 3:16 is consistently among the most often quoted Bible passages. It says a lot about what God wants to do for us through the sacrifice of Jesus. But what does God want in return. Some say "just believe" but is that all there is? How can we be sure?

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A Close-Run Affair?

We explore the matter of God's involvement in human history, and why that should help God's people face the chaotic world of today with hope and confidence.

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Five Stones: Do You Need All Five?

Do you have the faith for God to heal you? Do you have the faith for God not to heal you?

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Do You Look Like Love?

We know that God's word stresses so often that we are to love one another. But what does love look like in practical everyday terms? And do you look like love?

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