
Six Things to Measure Yourself Against

Six things that Paul instructed Timothy to measure himself against to remain steadfast and committed.

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Are We the Children of the Bondwoman or of the Free?

The love of God the Father and Jesus Christ frees us -- frees us from what? To determine the answer to this question, let's compare the lives of Hagar and Sarah.

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The Doctrine of Rebaptism

People coming into the Church of God need to consider rebaptism. What about people within God's Church who have already been baptized? Should they consider rebaptism under certain circumstances?

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Holy Spirit: Our Source of Peace

I don’t want to focus on Pentecost today, but I do want to focus on an aspect of the Holy Spirit. There is a very important benefit it brought to people in the Bible—both the OT and NT. And that benefit is available to us, today,...

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The Pathway to the Kingdom

Each year I am required to present a strategic plan and budget for approval to the Ministerial Board of Directors. The strategic plan provides our plan for reaching our goal each year. Our spiritual goal is the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). What is your strategic plan for reaching that goal?

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Between the Bookends and Beyond

We've just completed another year of observing the Feast of Unleavened Bread. What are the takeaways and what should we do now?

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Messages to the Seven Churches

A review of Revelation 2 and 3 with an emphasis on the exhortation to faithfulness.

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Spiritual Lessons From the Exodus

What does God want us to learn from Israel HAVING, but not accurately DOING God’s instructions, as He said in 1Cor 10? Are there things we can learn from the Exodus, which took place as the Days of Unleavened Bread were starting that year? Let’s review the...

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Looking Back, Seeing Forward

This 70th church anniversary weekend is a time of looking back, in a season of remembrance. The past has molded each of us. How we choose to remember the past is a critical element to how we will deal with the future.

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A Dwelling Place for God in the Spirit

Learning from the past - anticipating the future. Celebrating 70 years in East Texas!

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