
The Risks of Routine

The First Day of Unleavened Bread is a holy convocation, and it has become our routine to observe it year after year. As we keep the Feast this year, what sort of dangers should we be mindful of?

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The Battle for Our Mind

Our amazing brain, The Mind and it's influences. The mind of God. Mind, Heart, Spirit relationship. Controlling your thoughts -- Passover, examining our mind. Battle for our minds -- Satan's devices. The mind of Christ our goal. Holy Spirit the ultimate controller of our thoughts/actions.

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For the Love of Family

I’m sure most of us in the Church are familiar with the parable of the Prodigal Son. In the Church, we’ve even written about it. So, you probably realize it has a connection to Passover. However, I want to review the parable today with a focus...

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What Do You Mean Blotted Out?

An exploration of Peter's statement in Acts 3:19.

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Choose Life

What is the message of the Bible? What is God’s goal for mankind? Two choices have been placed before you. You can choose life, or you can choose death. This sermon shows the depth of God’s love for man and why He wants you to choose...

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I, Me, My

Is it all about Me? Am I the center of my universe? Selfish vs Selfless. Narcissism -- what are the traits and do we carry any of these traits. God's Word has a lot to say on the subject.

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The God Premise

Understanding the vital importance and impact of proving God exists.

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Mr. Almost

In this message, we will explore a phrase that's recorded in Hebrews chapter 6 -- "Let us go on to perfection." What did the author mean by this statement, and what application might we draw from it as we prepare to observe the spring festivals? Who is Mr. Almost and...

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Passover Lessons from Shimei

The story of Shimei is about intrigue and treason in government, personal betrayal, a harrowing escape, verbal abuse, restoration and forgiveness. Let’s review this saga in the life of King David to see what lessons we might learn from his experience and how they may play a part...

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Learn to Be Positive and Optimistic Even When Life is Hard

There is a direct connection between our brain and our health. People who are positive live longer, happier lives. We can all learn to think more positively. After all God has a wonderful future in mind for us.

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