
Lessons From Challenger Program

This year's Challenger Program was a Grand Canyon Trek. There were amny lessons we learned-especially about vision leading to commitment.

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Eagle’s Wings-Comfort vs Complacency

God told Israel He brought them out of Egypt on eagles' wings. We live in perilous time and He can do the same for us. However, we need to get the balance between knowing God will supply our needs and becoming complacent because of God'spromises.

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The Prodigal Son-Part 2

The parable of the prodigal son has many facets, and historical research helps bring it to life. Part 2 is about the merciful father.

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8th Commandment-Bible Study

God shows He cares about how we treat the real and personal property of others through the Eighth Commandment.

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Worship in Spirit and Truth

Jesus said we must worship God in spirit and truth. What does that involve?

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Prayer is a critical part of our life as Christians. Here are some fundamental aspects to consider.

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Is Your Glass Half Full?

How we think affects so much of our lives. Do we see things from a the perspective of being grateful for God's blessings?

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The Prodigal Son-Part 1

The parable of the prodigal son has many facets, and historical research helps bring it to life. Part 1 is about the prodigal son.

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7th Commandment-Bible Study

The command against sexual immorality is a safeguard to safe marriages. God gives us insight into how to make this complicated aspect of human life "work best".

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Fruits of Belief

Many teach that belief alone saves us and any action on our part is trying to "earn" salvation. But biblical belief is productive. What are the fruits of belief?

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