
Come Out of Her My People

We are all slaves to something, or perhaps to many things. God tells His people to "Come out of her My people." We need to put off the "old man" and become slaves of righteousness.

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Passover: A Time of Renewal

Passover reminds us of our commitment to God, just as it was supposed to be an annual reminder to ancient Israel of how God miraculously freed them from slavery in Egypt. The Passover observances that are recorded in the Old Testament are set in the context of Israel renewing their...

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Acres of Diamonds

The famous story, Acres of Diamonds, told repeatedly by Russel Conwell has a great lesson to it. Often we search for something valuable, yet fail to see the value of what we already have. We are committed to preaching the gospel to the world and now that we have an...

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Will You Stand Firm in the Storm

The Costa Concordia struck ground in calm seas and sank in early 2012. Other ships have sunk in storms. We all face personal storms in life. Will we stand firm in whatever storms we face as a Christian?

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History of Government

Government is a very important topic to God. He will not have anyone in His family who will not submit to Him completely. That has always been the challenge of God's people--to learn to govern ourselves before we'll be given the chance to govern others after Christ's...

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Preparing the Bride as Kings and Priests

Revelation 5:10 describes our destiny to be priests and rulers over the earth. Other passages describe the saints are ruling with Christ after His return. What does it mean to be a priest and a king in that coming age? The bride is to be prepared to marry Christ, so specifically...

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Being Spiritually Like-Minded

Paul and Barnabas were two evangelists in the first century who ended up parting ways. What can we learn about relationships and dealing with differences from their example?

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The Golden Rule-Christ’s Most Neglected Teaching

There are many teachings and commands given by Christ for Christians. One of the most fundamental about how to treat your neighbor is rarely followed for long and is the root of many disagreements and even wars.

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Mercy and Forgiveness

Mercy and forgiveness are critical parts of our Christian duty. We are repeatedly reminded in Scripture about the merciful forgiveness offered to us through the sacrifice of Christ and are told we must learn to show mercy and forgiveness to others.

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The Prodigal Son-Part 3-The Dutiful Son

The parable of the prodigal son has many facets, and historical research helps bring it to life. Part 3 is about the dutiful son.

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