
Why Do We Need Pentecost?

God established Pentecost as one His feasts and Holy Days. But why do we need it? What are the benefits of the meaning of this Feast?

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Challenges in Preaching the Gospel

Many years ago most of us were part of a much larger group more than ten times our current size with a lot more resources for preaching the gospel. Today we are still committed to preaching the gospel, but we must acknowledge there are challenges we face. We will certainly...

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What’s Your Source for Right?

We have many competing philosophies in the world, but God tells us He is the source of righteousness, truth and right. He says He's the only God and His Word, the Bible must be our source for understanding right and wrong. We must trust in Him and not our...

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Raising The Bar

This is the 2012 Camp Video.

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Human Nature

How is it that some people in society can be kind & thoughtful, while others are cruel and heartless? Does doing good things prove someone is a true Christian? Does doing something bad prove one is not a Christian? How does human nature play into this discussion? By understanding human...

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Being Overcomers by Failing Forward

Some people who experience great failures or tragedies come out "better for the experience". Others are crushed by them and seem to give up. As Christians we must learn to use mistakes as growth opportunities--to get up again even though we fall seven times as stated in Proverbs 24:16. We must...

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God Forgives Sin

Three little words can have great meaning, like these: God Forgives Sin. We can also be encouraged by three more important words: God loves you.

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Unleavened Bread in Hindsight

What have we learned from Unleavened Bread this year? What will we take with us and have the hindsight to not forget in the coming year?

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Forgiveness—The Effect of Passover

Passover brings forgiveness--something we all need.

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Two Feasts—Two Messages

Some of the passages that talk about Passover or Days of Unleavened Bread seem to blur the distinctions. Are they just one 8-day feast or two distinct feasts with distinct messages? If so, what are the parameters and what are their main messages?

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