
What’s the Big Deal About Europe?

In the Church of God over the past four or five we have often talked about and watched events in Europe. Why are we concerned about that part of the world? Isn't the Middle East more the place we should be watching?

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When God Says “No”

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said to ask and we will recieve. But as Christians, we have probably all experienced times when God has given us no answer, or perhaps a "No" answer. How do we cope with the fact that sometimes God says "Not now" or just...

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God and Light

God uses the comparison of light and darkness in many ways in the Bible. He describes Himself as the creator of light and the Bible both begins and ends with statements about light. This split sermon message looks at some of those uses of "light".

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Integrity involves not just recognizing actions that are ethical and right and those that are wrong, but also DOING what is right regardless of any pressure to do otherwise. While the word may not be used that often in the Bible, the principle of integrity is shown to be very...

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Have You Met My Jesus?

A bumper sticker reads "Have you met my Jesus?" There are so many ideas of what He's really like in the world today, but only one is correct. We need to be sure we know the correct one.

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Cause and Effect

Solomon was said to be the wisest man who lived, so why could he not understand he would be blessed and his descendants continue to rule only if he obeyed God? How did he not recognize cause and effect?

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The Spirit in Man

The Bible speaks of a spirit in man, but what is that spirit? Is it an immortal soul that heads to heaven or hell at death, or is it something else from God.

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The Eyes of God

The Bible tells us that mankind was made in God's image, and that we have eyes, as He has eyes. What does the Bible further tell us about the eyes of God? What does He look at with those eyes? What does He see? Should the answers to those...

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Abraham Our Father

Fathers are important in the lives of their children, despite what some in society today say. Abraham is recorded as being the father of all who are faithful to God. The recorded accounts of his life and the lives of other faithful servants of God can strengthen our faith and...

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Power of the Holy Spirit

Pentecost is a unique Feast in many ways. The New Testament meaning of this Feast is connected to the Old Testatment, but vastly greater in significance. Through it God established a new group He is dealing with--the Church--and empowered that group to accomplish His desires under the new covenant.

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