

What is it about God's people to have a positive outlook on life even in the face of trials, and be successful in life?

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The Power of Example

The Apostle Paul told the young Timothy not to let anyone dispise his youth. How could Timothy impact whether or not people looked down on him because he was a younger man? The amazing answer lies in the incredible power of example. When we display godly principles in life, we...

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Honor and Respect

We all want respect--yet our society seems to ignore honor and respect when speaking of or two others. What do we learn about honor and respect from God's Word?

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Predestination or Choice?

Acts 13:48 makes a comment about 'as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed'. Some take this to mean God "pre-determines" who will be saved and who will not. If so, that means we really do not have freedom of choice--when it comes to salvation. Just what does the...

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To Reach Hearts With the Gospel

Preaching the gospel continues to be a priority for God's people. Ancient Israel's reaction to having the gospel preached in the Old Testament should give us fair warning that it is not likely to be readily accepted by the majority in our modern nation either. Our job is...

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Exercising Self-Control

One of the most difficult things to do is control our passion. We need to work in order to develop and exercise self-control.

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Sanctity of Marriage

The National Marriage Project gives an annual report about the health of marriage in the United States. Some of the reports give a poor grade to the quality of relationships. Do we maintain a godly view of the sanctity of marriage--as a God-ordained institution? It pictures our family relationship with...

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Holy Ground

When Moses drew near God at the burning bush, he was told to take off his shoes because was on holy ground. When we appear before God at His commanded assemblies, do we have the same sense of awe?

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Bearing Witness With Our Spirit

In the book of Romans we read about God's Spirit bearing witness with our spirit. What is this spirit in man?

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Good communication is sometimes difficult to achieve for us humans. The most important communication we can have is with God--in prayer.

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