
Basic New Testament Beliefs

We have many ways to express our religious beliefs, including the Fundamental Beliefs that we publicly list on our websites. But those are an expansion of some foundational basic beliefs that are listed in Hebrews 6. Today we will review those and see how they connect to Romans 1-8 and the...

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Benefits of the Holy Spirit

Pentecost commemorates the day the New Testament Church was established to function under the new covenant in place of ancient Israel as God's people. It began with an incredible "sound and light show" as the Holy Spirit was given the the whole group of disciples. What's so different...

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An Offering of Firstfruits

God ordained a special offering of firstfruits, linked to the Feast of Pentecost, to be presented to Him by the Israelites. This ceremony attending this offering teaches important lessons for Christians today.

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The Fruit of Hope

Hope is an important component of Christianity. What is it, what produces it and what does it product?

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Established on Better Promises

The book of Hebrews tells us about the New Covenant and says it was established on better promises. While eternal life is a part of that, that isn't the only promise involved. In fact, the New Covenant could not come into existence until the fulfillment of an ancient promise...

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By Every Word of God

In the temptation of Christ, the first response He gave to Satan was about not living by bread alone, but by every word of God. Let's examine the statement to understand the connection to physical bread and the statement about "every" word of God.

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Slow to Anger

God describes Himself in many positive ways--compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and merciful. We need to also learn to be slow to anger.

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Bringing Many Sons to Glory

God's plan is to ultimately bring many sons to glory.  This sermon focuses on the meaning and background of "co-worker" and the product of the work. Since Christianity is our job, we must not only preach the Gospel but we must become what we preach."

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The book of Philemon is quite short, yet gives us some interesting insight into life in the personality of Paul and life in the early New Testament Church. Yes, it is about a runaway slave and Paul's letter of commendation to Philemon, his master, on behalf of Onesimus. However,...

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Christ Living In Us

At His final Passover in the flesh, Jesus spoke about both Him and the Father coming to dwell in us? He also spoke about needing to go away so they could receive the Holy Spirit. And during Unleavened Bread we speak of imbibing of Christ--the true unleavened bread. Just how...

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