

The Bible speaks a lot about the pitfall of pride and urges Christians to put on humilty.

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Four Enemies of Faith

Matthew quotes Jesus four times using the phrase, "O you of little faith," and in each situation He reveals an important factor that works in humans to diminish our faith. Will Christ find faith on the earth when He returns? That depends on how well we understand and fight these...

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A Call to Greatness

God is in the business of calling many sons to glory and to the greatness of being changed to spirit to become part of His family. We are supposed to be helping Him in that project. What characteristics should we be developing to be of greater assistance in that task?

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Our nation is celebrating its declaration of independence and its freedom this week. We need to appreciate the freedom God's truth gives us.

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Christ and the Gospel

Jesus Christ spoke a lot about the gospel. We must be doing our part to share it with the world.

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Distinguishing the Holy and Profane

God has placed a difference between what is holy and common (or profane). We need to learn to differentiate between them.

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Growing in True Understanding

We need to grow in understanding, but it needs to be true understanding--not just knowledge.

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Disasters - Rely on God

Disasters are predicted to come--and often do come in all our lives. Joel's name means the Lord is God and reminds us to rely on God when we face disaster.

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There is a whole spiritual dimension of angelic beings--good and bad.

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Armor of God

God has given us spiritual armor. Be sure to use it.

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