
Spiritual Drift

Hebrews 2:1 warns us not to "drift away." This is a nautical term, but used here in a spiritual sense. Have we drifted away from the principles we committed to when God called us? Has the Church drifted from those principles? How can we avoid spiritual drifting?

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Learn From Bible Examples

God has given us ample examples of both good and bad in the Bible. The bad are a warning for us not to do as they have done. The good are to encourage us to follow their right examples. Which we choose is up to each of us.

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Justice for All

Our world sadly lacks a right sense of justice. God loves justice and will see that eventually it becomes the norm in society.

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Family Heritage

Psalm 127 is one of the Songs of Ascent and praises children as a heritage from God. God is very positive about children, partly because He is involved in bringing children into His family. Heritage is something passed from one generation to the next and the next. God expects us to...

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Having completed another annual cycle of Feasts, we now wait to begin again next spring--to renew God's reminders of His plan. Renewal is a common thread in the Bible, and the Feast are often tied with national renewals in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, the renewals are...

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It has been said that the Bible begins and ends with the concept of separation--from Adam and Eve being separated from God to those who reject God's offer of salvation being separated forever. What implications does this principle have for us on the Day of Atonement?

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What Does it Mean to be at One with God and Brethren?

The Day of Atonement emphasizes being at one--both with God and with our fellow Christians.

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Keeping the Feast in Babylon

What would it have been like to have to keep the Feast in slavery in Babylon, as Daniel and the other Jewish captives had to do? Although the Feast is not mentioned in the book of Daniel, the theme of the Feast--God's coming rule over the kingdoms of the...

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Personalizing the Model Prayer

The model prayer is well known in Christianity. How can it serve as a personal guide for our prayer life?

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The First Resurrection

The Bible describes several resurrections. The first resurrection is for the saints who are changed to spirit at Christ's return, as pictured by the up-coming Feast of Trumpets.

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