
What Does it Mean to be at One with God and Brethren?

The Day of Atonement emphasizes being at one--both with God and with our fellow Christians.

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Keeping the Feast in Babylon

What would it have been like to have to keep the Feast in slavery in Babylon, as Daniel and the other Jewish captives had to do? Although the Feast is not mentioned in the book of Daniel, the theme of the Feast--God's coming rule over the kingdoms of the...

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Personalizing the Model Prayer

The model prayer is well known in Christianity. How can it serve as a personal guide for our prayer life?

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The First Resurrection

The Bible describes several resurrections. The first resurrection is for the saints who are changed to spirit at Christ's return, as pictured by the up-coming Feast of Trumpets.

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The Ministry of Reconciliation

The doctrine of reconcilation is of great value and importance in the New Testament. It involves our being brought into a good relationship with God. But it is also about us being able to reconcile with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We all need to learn to be better...

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Festival Tithe

Finances are a big part of human life and the Bible has a lot to say about that topic. Among all the advice and instruction is God's command to save ten percent (a tithe). Tithing existed long before the Old Covenant (made at Mount Sinai) and specific instructions about...

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Trials-Part of the Mysteries of God

Many Bible teachings do not "make sense" to people. In fact, many seem to not make sense. One of those statements is that trials are for our good. How can we understand this seeming enigma?

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Am I my Brother’s Keeper?

Our world is filled with anger and animosity--from the political realm down to the homelife of many people. In recent years 1 million people were murdered as a result of the hatred between the two tribes in Burundi. What about in the Church? Have you ever fallen prey to anger and...

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Spiritual Remodeling

We just spent several months remodeling this space to make it usable for church services. HGTV has become very popular and has many shows about remodeling. God expects us to also be remodeling--our lives to look more like that of Jesus Christ. What aspects of physical remodeling can teach us...

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Times of Refreshing

We just returned from a visit to southern California, an area that is beautiful and fruitful--as long as it has a water source. In Acts 3 Peter spoke about "times of refreshing" as well as a time of "restitution of all things". Are both of those ONLY future after Christ's...

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