
The Gracious, Compassionate Christian

During Unleavened Bread, we are not only to put out leaven, we are to put IN the new man, patterned after Jesus Christ. Two of the great descriptors of God are His graciousness and compassion. How are we doing at putting these in?

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Proclaiming Christ’s Death

Paul gave an excellent overview of the New Testament Passover when he wrote about what Christ had taught him to the church at Corinth. What do we learn from this instruction?

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Christ’s Last Week in the Flesh

Each gospel writer spends 233 to 369 verses describing Christ's final week in the flesh. This message will give an overview of that final week to review some important lessons and principles surrounding this meaningful feast of God.

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Forgiveness in the Plan of God

Passover focuses on the sacrifice of Christ to forgive our sins. That is the beginning point of the whole plan of God.

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How Far Do You See?

In blizzards traffic pileups are common because of limited visibility. How far ahead do we look down the road of life? When we see we're drifting do we make course corrections? Spiritually speaking, that is repentence and it keeps us from a spiritual pileup.

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Passover in the New Testament

How would you explain the reason we keep the Passover in New Testament? What is important to do in NT?

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Themes From 2 Timothy-Paul’s Last Word

What would your last words be? The Apostle Paul left us his in a book--2 Timothy. There are several themes that are apparent in that last letter.

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The Incredible Sacrifice of Jesus Christ

We have an incredible Savior. Appreciate the incredible sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

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God Hates Hypocrisy

It is clear God hates hypocrisy. Let's explore various aspects of that topic and the forms it takes.

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Weightier Matters

Jesus condemned the Pharisees for ignoring the weightier matters of the law--judgment, mercy and faith. How do these relate to each other? How do we show mercy, yet not ignore justice or judgement?

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