
Two Applications of Leaven

Leaven pictures both sin and the Kingdom of God. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. We are to put out malice and wickedness, and put in sincerity and truth.

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God is Constant

God's loving faithfulness is always constant. We are to also be constantly working on having a relationship with Him.

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Avoid Sin

This feast of Unleavened Bread is about putting sin out of our lives. As humans, we need the sacrifice of Christ to pay the penalty for the sins we have commited, but we also need the help of God to get rid of sin. We cannot do it on...

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Jesus’ Last Days on Earth

As we draw near the time of Passover, we often review the last week of Jesus' life in the flesh. As with the biblical story of His birth, modern Christianity gets much of the story wrong. We'll note some of those items as we review His final week in...

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We often focus on the importance of forgiveness around the time of Passover. In Matthew 5 Jesus tied God's forgiveness of us to whether or not we forgive others. Scholars are split on whether we must wait for an apology before we forgive someone. Why is it that some...

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Choose Life

The Bible is full of examples of choices--and their consequences. Each of us, as we leave home, begins to make choices that will shape our lives. God reminds us in the Bible to choose those things that lead to the best results, which are blessings for accepting the guidance God...

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Taking a Candid look at Ourselves

As we approach Passover we are told to examine ourselves. When we do so, we need to look through God's eyes, which often see differently than human eyes.

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We are told to have one major focus in life--God's Kingdom and His righteousness. It is easy to be turned away by all the distractions in our world. Let's keep our focus where it should be.

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Exodus, Number and Faith

Right now we're going through the book of Numbers at Foundation Institute. I was struck by the number of lessons we can draw out of that section of the Old Testament. 1Corinthians 10:11 tells us the Old Testament Scriptures are written for us to learn from. What parallels can...

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Pearls and Passover

The parable in Matthew 13:45-46 speaks of a merchant seeking out and buying a pearl of great price. Passover represents the starting point for our path to salvation--through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the deep love of God. Do we respect, value and treat Passover (and all of God'...

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