
Benefits of the Holy Spirit

The Feast of Pentecost pictures the receipt of the Holy Spirit. It was on this day that the Spirit was first given to the New Testament Church as a whole. But is the Holy Spirit entirely new or was it also given in the Old Testament. If so, what is...

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Living in the Shadows

Where do we live our lives?

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Humans are terribly prone to mis-use their minds and can come to some very uswise and unsound decisions. The Bible speaks of Christians having soundmindednss as a result of having God's Spirit. However, the gift of the Spirit does not guarantee that anyone will use or follow the lead...

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Patriotism is Not Enough

Patriotism is appreciated by nations, and out nation honors it on Memorial Day. But as Christians, we must go beyond loving our country. We should appreciate the blessings we enjoy but never lose site of the bigger picture--that we must not hate or have bitterness toward any other human being,...

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Satisfaction in Marriage

There is a lot of dissatisfaction in our world and our country right now. For many people that includes dissatisfaction with the state of their marriage. What can we do to increase our satisfaction in marriage? The keys of love and respect, found in Ephesians 5 are important.

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Lessons From Mothers in the Bible

God has recorded some specifics about several mothers in the Bible from which we can learn some great lessons in sumission, faith, commitment, humility, trust and gratitude.

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Honoring Our Mothers

This is Mothers Day Weekend here in the United States. What should we consider from God's Word about honoring our mothers?

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Signs of the Times

There have been some very senseless violence in the news recently--both in our country and internationally. What's wrong with our world? There are many Bible passages that speak about 'signs of the times" as we draw close to the end of this age and the return of Jesus Christ....

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How and What Direction Will We Travel?

God tells us to count 50 days from the wave sheaf offering to Pentecost, as it is called in the New Testament. Let's look at three examples in the Bible of people during that time period and then look at Paul's conclusion of what to learn from these...

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The Leaven of Pride

Ancient Israel seems to have often just "gone through the motions" of obeying God--when they were not actively disobeying Him. There wasn't much depth of understanding displayed. Do we understand more deeply than they why we avoid leaven for these seven days at God's command? How...

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