
Signs of the Times

There have been some very senseless violence in the news recently--both in our country and internationally. What's wrong with our world? There are many Bible passages that speak about 'signs of the times" as we draw close to the end of this age and the return of Jesus Christ....

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How and What Direction Will We Travel?

God tells us to count 50 days from the wave sheaf offering to Pentecost, as it is called in the New Testament. Let's look at three examples in the Bible of people during that time period and then look at Paul's conclusion of what to learn from these...

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The Leaven of Pride

Ancient Israel seems to have often just "gone through the motions" of obeying God--when they were not actively disobeying Him. There wasn't much depth of understanding displayed. Do we understand more deeply than they why we avoid leaven for these seven days at God's command? How...

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A Pillar of Cloud and Fire

When God brought the people of Israel out of Egypt, He gave them a pillar of cloud and fire to lead and guide them, and as proof that He never abandons His people.

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Footwashing Lessons

Jesus introduced an unusual practice at His final Passover in the flesh--at least it seems unusual to most of the world. We continue to practice this, as commanded by Christ, but what lessons do we learn from it?

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A Time to Remember

Not only is the Passover a time of remembrance, but God also told Israel to remember during the Days of Unleavened Bread. This message focuses on the matters of remembrance that will help all of us prepare to take the Passover and gain the most out of the meaning of...

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Examine Yourselves

Many traditional martial arts have periodic examinations to mark the progress a student is making. It is only done with the approval and invitation of the instructor. Each year as we draw near Passover, God invites us to do a special examination of ourselves. We need to look at where...

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Passover Controversies

Over the centuries there have been debates about various aspects of Passover. What evening is it kept? Is it different in the New Testament than it was in the Old Testament? Was Christ's final Passover in the flesh "not really a Passover" because it was done one night too...

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In God We Trust

In God we trust is printed on our currency. But for our nation it is only a slogan. How about in our lives as Christians? Is it only a slogan for us, or do we really trust God?

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Conversion is Growth

Human growth and development from infancy is a continual process--physically, emotionally and psychologically. There is a parallel to the spiritual growth of a godly person. Never stop that growth/conversion process.

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