
Strangers and Pilgrims

In ancient Israel, God told Israel, they had to keep the Feast where He placed His name--they had to journey to the Feast. Every choice of path closes off other paths. The New Testament speaks about our spiritual journey as Christians. Let's examine four biblical journeys to see...

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Repentance Brings Peace

Godly living is not for the faint of heart! In John 16:33 Jesus said we will have pressures in this life, but He also said to be at peace and of good cheer. The only wayto attain those in this life is to repent and then maintina the attitude of repentance...

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God’s Word

The Bible is God's written word for us. It provides us with God's view of truth and reality. We must have a very close, deeply rooted relationship with God's Word to bear spiritual fruit and to withstand the pressures we face in the world.

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Promises to Abraham

According to Credit Suisse the U.S. is to remain the undisputed leader in terms of aggregate wealth in the world with total net worth approaching USD 100 trillion by 2018. A 2006 United Nation report says more than 1/3 of the wealthiest people in the world live in the U.S.. Japan accounts...

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Which Roller Coaster Will You Ride?

Life has all kinds of ups and downs--like a roller coaster. It is the same whether we live a godly life or an ungodly one. However, which roller coaster we ride in life will have a massively different outcome. Choose to ride the godly roller coaster as it ends...

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Called to be Holy

God told ancient Israel to be holy and He tells us the same thing in the New Testament. Are we striving for that goal?

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Treasure God’s Word

The group Open Doors has stated that 2014 had the worst persecution of Christians in the modern era. They described the main factor in the increase of persecution of Christians as "cultural marginalization" where 'more subtle squeeze dimensions of persecution' make daily life more difficult for Christians. Current news stories in...

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Rejoice, Always?

The Apostle Paul said we are to rejoice--always? How is that possible when we face trials and difficulties?

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The Value of a Good Father

Our society set less and less value on the importance of a nuclear family--with father and mother to love and teach children, and fathers seem to be the most 'undervalued' even in intact families. God deeply cares for the plight of single-parent families, but the Bible also places a high...

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The Church

"The Church" is one of our 20 fundamental beliefs.  What does that mean?  What is the Church?  And what work should it be doing? (This is a DVD of a message prepared for all congregations.)

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